The Peragallo Pipe Organ Company – Opus 670
Two Manual & Pedal Pipe Organ
24 Ranks / 40 Stops / 1,397 Pipes
The organ at New Dorp Moravian was originally a Hook & Hastings tracker organ, installed in 1845. That organ was modified and relocated during renovations in the 1960s. Our new Opus 670 organ retains all the pipes from the second organ, with some pipes also dating to the first, Hook & Hastings model. Twelve new ranks and a MIDI interface were also added, creating the beautiful, and versatile instrument that now graces our sanctuary.
One additional feature that will make this instrument unique and versatile, is that the console is on a movable platform. It can be positioned almost anywhere on the chancel, and it can face in any direction.
The console is connected to the controls by a fiber optic tether, which can be disconnected. All the furnishings on the chancel are movable, including the pulpit, lectern, and console, making the space adaptable for everything from traditional worship settings, to drama, small ensembles, and large choirs.